
It is my opinion that this season shoots its load in the episodes with Wilson Fisk and really the season ends with Fisk's threat to Matt that he's coming for him. Nobu and the Hand are not equal to the task of becoming interesting main villains for the audience and the season finale suffers greatly(among other

I didn't see it as humanizing, so much as it was a 'winding up' of the evil clock that is Ramsay, he had his big win outside and came home to find his weekend ruined. We're now simply on a countdown for him to do something terrible again while also re-affirming the Bolton plots.

You get an up-vote on name alone.

Chuck is the real conman. He pretends to be a good and decent person, an honorable lawman. but really, he's a cruel, cunning, hypocrite. I think his sickness is brought on by knowing subconsciously that he is a selfish lying piece of sh*t.

Gus, I assume will be alluded to for the entirety of the next season as I assume Mike will be recruited into his organisation by a third party. If he shows up, it will be as a season finale.

This season. Every episode has just been an extremely pleasurable experience to watch. They've refined everything they learned on BB and have just made TV magic.

Yup, the note, was probably from a Fring associate, as I doubt Gus would make his way out there.

I'm right there with you.

First of all, Clea DuVall and Jim Beaver, we are spoiled.

I was kinda anticipating the 2 person shot, Nacho dying and Tio getting injured for the chair, I'm glad it didn't go down that way though.

That scene illustrates how unlucky Jimmy is and how unfair real life can be. Those situations, and I've lived them, are some of the most unfair and draining things a person can endure. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

For me this was the turning point of the season and it just didn't work. I've no problem with Kimmys growth while examining her traumatic past but Andrea, and Tina Feys performance, just felt like a real step back, particularly when the series was cruising with stellar combined performances from Carol Kane, Jane

Remember in show continuity, Daenerys vision in the house of the undying showed Kings Landing in ruins with winter having arrived and a big ol' white walker sigil hanging from the throne-room. So there's plenty of death to look forward to there. Also if any of the White Walkers get close to 'Ser Robert Strong', I

Wandering around Toronto recently actually. He was in my friends store and he was a bit of an arse apparently. So there you go.

No way, Walder Frey is about to get done by The Blackfish. Mark my words. He's a master baker…..of revenge!

So this is how we get her to change her name to Dinah right?

No. It is my fantasy that this show is a poorly produced show in the Netflix universe and nothing more.

'Another annoyance was the reference to Terminator. I'm not pointing the finger at this series in particular, but there's a lot of shows that toss in the name of a much better film or series and think that it makes up for story. What it's instead becoming is a signpost of lazy writing.'

Good damn but this show is such a pleasure to watch. Seriously, week in, week out, it just builds and builds on the visual style we thought the creators perfected on BB.