
Calling it. Will is an agent of SWORD.

A planet sized Green Lantern Cumerbund

Also Will, the NASA man. Lets call it now, Will is really an agent of SWORD.

Mogo always had better manners than Ego.

This is the best episode Agents of Meh has done. Take more risks like this, Trim the fat on the cast and give us more personal stories. Also, they were totally on EGO the living Planet. A great performance all round. A

I thought he was only name dropped I didn't realize he appeared? Either way that's fair enough.

Ok, so has there been any explanation why they went with Jefferson Jackson over Jason Rusch? Rusch I remember was name dropped last season, off the top of my head I can only assume it may be to avoid paying royalties for a DC character created in the mid-2000's?

That was such a good episode, I cannot wait for Lou to hand Dodd his ass.

A Brock and Shore-Leave spin-off. It's what the people want.

I have to say The Inhumans have been incredibly underwhelming so far since their introduction last season. Hunter and Mays infiltration of Hydra has also been kinda meh too, mostly because Hydra should have been left alone for awhile, I understand branding is everything but they should have let Ward build his own

That was Peter Jackson who created Meet the Feebles. Quickly, burn all your Lord of the Rings memorabilia!

I'm sorry, but if there isn't a tumblr featuring the Erotic Tales of Jimmy Shive-Overly aged 11 years old, then the internet has failed us.

It's not that the comment really matters to be honest, it's just a fact that the Marvel Netflix shows do, and they will, look a lot better than an ABC prime time show. I will go even further to raise your ire and state the quality is even better on the CW, and I don't just mean the DC stuff, but shows like The 100 do

It was a decent start. They're really nailing their colors to the mast with the show being all about the Inhumans. Fitz was good, Daisy was bland, and Coulson did his thing as he always does. Fairly par for the course stuff. The Lash character reveal wasn't so good though, the Joe Mad design did not work at all for

I suspect it will become even more jarring when we see the production values on the Netflix shows. Daredevil already beats Agents hands down in the looks department.

The badly cgi-ed backdrop at Creems layer is at the Berkley Church on Queen East in Toronto, as are the interiors, I work there so it kinda takes me out of the scene. A lot of filming gets done around the Queen East neighborhoods, between Yonge and Parliament. That new Omen show called Damien and Hannibal have had

30 pancakes dude. Not even our lord and savior did that for us.

So we're all agreed. Grant is the devil. Review is a 'last temptation of Christ' type of deal and Forrest is about to hit some really dark times. To balance things we'll cast AJ as God, she merely provides Forrest with the reviews(prayers?) and some positive small talk, he has always had the free will to either

Friends. One and a half stars.

I just want to say I love this show and Andy Daly is superb, but lets all reflect on the gift we're given each episode of James Urbaniak ghosting in and out of scenes as Grant. What a great and powerful performance every time he shows up. Seriously, one of the best supporting characters in any show. He's great in