What is this "Community" of which you speak?
What is this "Community" of which you speak?
In case this is a serious question, the answer is that they used non-professional actors (i.e., regular kids) and they had to record the lines multiple times and splice together the best parts.
Christmas isn't Christmas without a Swiss Colony beef log.
To me, the baby eating the poop was much less disturbing than the little girl wishing that her father was still alive.
Flush him down, but he's never gone
His smell and his spirit linger on
I bet in a family of overachievers, being prettier than Edna is the icing on her cake.
It looked like stool. And it's such a doctor nerd thing to say.
That would have done even more to seal Edna's fate. Coach made it clear that the tribe's biggest fear was a betrayed and insane Brandon returning from Redemption to wreak havoc. At least Ozzy could beat Brandon. Cochran can't beat shit.
Sandy is NOT pretty.
There have been no clear villains, but I disagree that there was nobody to root against. Lawrence was a narcissistic jerk, and those blonde twins were morons. It would ruin the race if any of them won, so they were worth rooting against.
I took great pleasure in Andy's "protest too much" smiling during the elimination. He was experiencing emotions only Jesus can take away, but Jesus was on a coffee break.
"Follow that cab" has always been a permissible, if not honorable, Race strategy.
There is a tide in the affairs of men
How could you possibly not see Jesus coming? We have been told of his impending return for 2,000 years.
Regrettably, we are smarter than your mom.
Those parts are called "Canada" and they are, technically speaking, separate from the United States.
I will talk to God about your feelings.
Yes. You are also to believe that Dexter would lose sight of Travis, trust Travis to keep Gellar distracted, and monkey around with his knife kit rather than just juicing Gellar and then counting his knives while Gellar sleeps.
Your comments are very evocative. Thank you.
Geeky intern kills Batista's sainted sister? Yawn…