Just what the world needs, more sadness and desperation. That being said, I'll probably still watch it.
Just what the world needs, more sadness and desperation. That being said, I'll probably still watch it.
I can't possibly love this MST3K quote any more. Well done.
Damn you, AVClub! Now I have Adam Sandler's "Chanukah Song" stuck in my head. Now I remember when I was 15 and I thought Adam Sandler was funny. A lobotomy is the only remedy.
This image will be in my head all day. For that, I thank you.
I would rather not see it either, because I think it reinforces the stereotype that all Muslims are extremists. However, it just seems like the blowing up of his support system has to lead to something sinister.
I kept wondering while I watched this episode how they're going to keep this going for multiple seasons. Here's my theory on Brody: