H.R. Puffenstuff

Just what the world needs, more sadness and desperation.  That being said, I'll probably still watch it.

I can't possibly love this MST3K quote any more.  Well done.

Damn you, AVClub!  Now I have Adam Sandler's "Chanukah Song" stuck in my head.  Now I remember when I was 15 and I thought Adam Sandler was funny.  A lobotomy is the only remedy.

This image will be in my head all day.  For that, I thank you.

I would rather not see it either, because I think it reinforces the stereotype that all Muslims are extremists.  However, it just seems like the blowing up of his support system has to lead to something sinister.

I kept wondering while I watched this episode how they're going to keep this going for multiple seasons.  Here's my theory on Brody: