
I did not see a suicide bombing coming at all. I don't buy that Brody would be willing to blow himself up just to avenge the death of a terrorist's kid. I could see him do some sniping like Tom Walker, but people who blow themselves up are generally either insane, zealots, desperate for money (their families are taken

Nick could have just called or texted Winston or Schmidt when he was locked out. Use your head, man. It's the 21st century.

just doing my part to reach 10,000. also, great ep. great show.

Was it just me, or did they cut out a line in the very last discussion between George and Tessa? After Tessa asked George if he wished he had someone to be with on Christmas, it sounded like he was about to say "No, because I have you." But then they skipped right to her saying, "but i'm your kid!" I think they may