
Death drop is a backwards drop with one leg folded under the body and the other outstretched. The splits is…the splits.

Surprised no one else has commented on this yet (unless it's way down the page): kiki is drag queen gossip (not to be confused with kai kai). By "kiki voice" Ru means that very stereotypical guuuuurl sort of thing that a queen might do when gossiping with friends.

Stewart and Clint have always been asses. Stewart's assery has progressed (originally he was just in a terrible marriage to a hot chick who was also kind of an ass; I think the idea is that he's getting more and more bitter over the years), and Clint in this episode goes from oversharing hippie ass who makes everyone

It's definitely better as a binge. I tend to watch TV on my computer right before going to sleep, queueing it to play the previous episode, then the new one, before starting the entire season over for background noise. Watching two at a time gives a better sense of the continuity, and I've seen the whole thing a few

Nope, Barney only found out that she wasn't pregnant. The doctor called her back and she went in alone and found out she couldn't have kids, then did the "pole-vaulting" story so her friends wouldn't freak out, which they did anyway.

Yeah, a lot of stuff in this one could have been easily sidestepped, but that was a bit of an intentional theme, wasn't it? All the "Her door is unlo—" "AIR VENTS!" stuff. I had a similar thought when he has her crush the phone — couldn't he have just said "GIVE me your phone, no questions asked" and then deleted the

Aw, I thought Barney's original, instantly-deduced "no questions asked" was hilarious. The second one perhaps not so much, but I still found it funny just because it, too, was so obvious. Robin's wasn't funny, but fascinating in that I can totally buy her living some sort of double life that involves darts capable of

Largely agreed. I love the IDEA of the mythology and mystery twisty plotlines and all that, but I lost interest in the actual execution ages ago in favor of "hey, this is a fun show." Although one of these days I am going to sit down, marathon the series and take notes, just to see exactly how many of the dropped

I'm not sure at this point if I'm just such a diehard Swarkles shipper that I'm ignoring valid points, but nope, not having a problem with it here. The lone wolf thing strikes me as true to their characters. Their initial reason for breaking up was "two awesome cancel each other out," which is perhaps not exactly the

Why do you have a gun? Why do you ALWAYS have a gun?

Beginning to think I am just too easy on this show, which is odd because I'm usually overly critical, if anything. But I loved this episode. Actually I've loved pretty much every episode this season, including the bit with Ted and Barney on the beach a few weeks back. The only thing I can think of that's felt really

Likewise on the assuming everything I don't like is going to be resolved later. It's largely been true in the past, but it's beginning to reach a point where even my undying faith in this show is being stretched. Really hope they pull it all off in the end.

Eh, I buy that one. Robin's always been wishy-washy about this stuff. Claims to not want kids, then gets all mopey when she finds out she can't have kids. In the first season she says "I don't want to get married right now, maybe ever," not "I definitely don't want to ever get married." She was ready to accept Kevin's