Nerdy McNerdstein

Merry Fucking Christmas
I normally spend Christmas Day watching movies at The Desert Ridge 18 and the employees leave me alone.

Has anyone noticed that Sarah Palin is becoming a Gay Icon? Weird.

Dr. Robuttnik- Stay in Advertising things will get better. I made oodles of cash up until 2008. After Obama cuts the head off the Health Care / Pharma Monster he will destroy the Bankers and life will get back to normal.
By the way I think Hulu actually exercises some level of quality control over the Ads they show

New Ad Idea for Quiznos
I just thought this up and I'm giving Quizno's Ad Agency my permission to use this idea. Have a guy eat a Quiznos sub then puke it up onto a plate and run it back through the oven. Then make a midget or an attractive young lady eat the twice baked puke sandwich.
This will totally appeal to the

Advertising exec's are becoming desperate trying to figure out what the kids are into.
As an Ad & Mktg professional for twenty years I'm more disgusted by the cheap look and the "going way off topic" content of the ad than the Homoerotic elements.
I swear I will never eat at Quiznos again based on their poor judgement

Only Shades of Gray
Dollhouse is fun but I'm a frustrated Buffy-Firefly fanatic. The show loses its Whedonesque qualities whenever it gets into the grays of what the corporation is up to. Buffy would have figured out who was a good guy and who was a bad guy in one episode. I know Joss and his loyal crew have now been