Nickolai Jackov

He's not going suicidal. Not really anyway. In his mind he's already dead so what he's trying to do for Carrie is prevent his body from being found. That's why he was trying to get himself into a dumpster at the end.

Very possible I'm wrong but I thought I heard Showtime had picked up The Franchise for an extra 3-4 episodes or something.

tossin, that might be my favorite comment ever.

Been watching the show again along with these reviews (though I'm not almost a season ahead) and the thing I love about Ainsley is the number of scenes she's in that involve food. She frequently exits by saying she's going to get something to eat, she can be bribed with Chinese food, she thinks the commissary

Heath Hembree is Brian Wilson's eventual replacement. Romo, while great, only has 1 plus pitch and very little margin for error. Very tough to be a closer if you can never throw it by anyone.

Romo and The Watch
It's customary for the bullpen pitcher with the least seniority (not necessarily the youngest) to carry some sort of embarrassing backpack or suitcase with refreshments for the older guys. Romo's been around for a couple of years but everyone else in the bullpen has been around longer.

How can Zito be a Vegan if he eats eggs?

Does anyone have a kabob?

I think Curtis and Simon can only access their powers through emotion early on but they both seem to learn how to control them later. I also like how Curtis seems like he can only go back to change things that he did or he saw so he can't, for example, go back to the 1930's and kill Hitler or something. As I said,

They actually tackle the issue of Curtis' power later (the next episode I think) and why it's not as great as it would seem to be on paper. Without spoiling too much there's a bit of butterfly effect involved in that sometimes you have to live with the best of a bunch of really bad outcomes. While changing the past

The Questioner,

You stole my thunder Red Medicine. Was about to ask if they were talking about HBO or AMC. I think Game of Thrones is a good example of a show that's great because it's on HBO but would probably go unwatched by everyone who didn't read the books even if it was exactly the same just on another network.

It's been an odd season. Everything is going according to the script of the Danish/BBC version, but in that version there was still about 7 hours left at this point in the story.

I was trying to figure out if that was Helo or not. My eyes said it was but IMDB failed to confirm. That's 3 BSG cast members in this series now.

I broke down and watched the Danish/BBC original of the series which was 20 hours long and I'm also starting to think it's going to be difficult to wrap up in the next 2 episodes. This is the first episode that was dramatically different from the original and at this point in that version there is still 7-10 hours

I'm torn on the grade. This episode was awesome, especially Archer refusing to negotiate with a cyborg, and deserves an A+. On the other hand I'm not sure you can give the + without Krieger. My only critique of this show is that they don't use nearly enough Krieger for my taste. Everything he says is gold.