
I liked this episode quite a lot! I thought this was going to be about how Jessica is jealous he is the good parent. I was really happy they didn't go down that road.

Loved this episode. They are on a role recently. The weird specificness of the jokes reminds me of parks and rec. I died at the pine cone runner, made more hilarious by Jake's confusion

Bianca was a bitch, but at some point during the competition she realised the best way to go was to soften her hard edges with the younger queens. She helped Trinity and Adele get better, and then when the younger queens didn't listen to her like Gagja they looked stupid. Bianca read as self-deprecating and funny, not

I really liked this episode. Normally the dance routines are so heavily edited you can't see a thing, but this was impressive.

Except that sherlock isn't really about political correctness, and he doesn't particularly care about offending someone. So I really don't think he'd be sensitive about it

I liked this. It was silly but fun. I also think sarah and snart have great chemistry, but then wentworth miller has great chemistry with everyone. I would be semi interested in seeing something happen between those two. I however do not care at all about palmer and kendra

Sometimes this reviewer really overthinks these episodes. I get it, you're a TV reviewer but seriously this is a procedural with stronger character work.Every week she keeps trying to wring things out of it that doesn't exist. Why doesn't Joan seem affected by nursing homes? Because it's the procedural part of the

I LOVE Kim Chi- she's so cute! And Bob is fun but not that funny. I don't love Robbie Turner and Acid Betty; they both have bad attitudes. Don't come for the previous queens bitch, everyone knows who they are and nobody knows who you are. Also Robbie Turner's sour face on the runway was a joke. At least pretend your

I thought that at the beginning but by the end Katya and violet had grown on me so so much.

The future storyline started out so well and like most things TVD they lost it along the way. Forcing the characters to get to that point makes it too boring because none of it makes sense. Matt's sudden stupidity, Stefan and Caroline, Damon and everyone else. Plus my biggest excitement was that with Elena gone

It's cliche? You mean… True? Cliched criticism means nothing, and even if it did Cliches are there for a reason- they accurately describe the problem. And the fact that people keep making the same complaint that over 12 years they constantly go back to the well that doesn't run dry when they can't think of anything

It's weird that they can have such excellent character development for Bonnie, and remember the show's long history and relationships when it comes to Klaus and Stefan, and Caroline but it can't remember or keep track of anything with Enzo. Seriously, his motivations never make any sense, and they still don't. He

It also just seemed unnecessary. I don't like it when shows try and be tricky and interesting just because they're running out of ideas. And that's what the musical episode felt like- not only did they want to put callie through hell and put her baby in danger but they also wanted to have her sing while in a coma

I love Sara ramirez, I saw her in spamalot. It's too bad none of the rest of the cast has her skills. Owen singing was just cringe-worthy

There's trauma and then there's a ridiculous amount of pain to the extent that it seems like shonda just enjoys putting her characters through shit. I have no issues with darkness, if it was done in a more realistic, less gleeful way, not in a way that by now my reaction is JUST MOVE HOSPITALS THIS IS A TERRIBLE

Game of Thrones is one of my favourite opening credits ever. It builds anticipation everytime, I love the map conceit and the way that the sun tells the story of Robert's Rebellion

That's not a high bar. It was definitely no once more with feeling

I get it for comic book franchises but I feel like the way it translates onto film is different. I mean if it's a revenge story someone's going to be dead, that's just the way the beats of the story go. And if it's supoosed to be a dangerous world people have to get injured or die because otherwise there are no

Let's not talk about the musical episode. That was just the worst.
The problem with these episodes is that it just reminds me how ridiculous this show is and how much shona rhimes seems to enjoy pain and having her viewers in pain. Because seriously, I was talking to my friend about lexie, mark, derek and meredith and

ugh I thought this was meant to be the season where bellamy has a hero arc. I don't know how he's going to be redeemable after this whole disaster. This makes no sense- normally these shows have a better memory of their own history but this is ridiculous. It's as if he legitimately doesn't remember all of season 2.