
it's extremely CW. They hung out as long as they could

A D is normally a failing grade. It's around the 50 to like 40% mark. An F is basically not writing anything

yeah, it's very gilmore girls which was not a storyline i really wanted to see revisited.

see that makes sense. But the way I read the review was that he didn't like the louis story and the nitpicky problems with DMX were distracting. Which to me is not a C grade.

I think the result was really good, I just think the means was iffy

uhhhh if this is heading down the gilmore girls route of breaking up a couple because the guy becomes a dick when he finds out he has a kid I will not be pleased.

Just saying if D is a failing grade then C is more borderline than average

Ross is legit the worst so let's not use him as an argument. Hes the epitome of The Good Guy. Also I'd think the big problem liv would have beyond him sleeping with someone is him sleeping with the chick from max rager and also bring the zombie hunter

Or the 15 minutes she was in the car before he realized…

Nope, you're just nit-picking. Seriously avclub is starting to confuse me with their grading. I feel like recently it's been really harsh. Even the review is incongruous with the grade. To me a c+ is a bad episode with some redeeming moments. To me this reads as one good storyline, one not great storyline and one

Not on tv

She could have easily just snapped a photo of the book and sent it to ravi and then she has immediate leverage. It just doesn't make any sense that she has proof of wrongdoing and doesn't use that knowledge to stop from being put in jail overnight

That is worse. Man, poor liv will never get to be happy.

or he's just both. we do exist. and we are all sick of grrm's glacial moving speed

This was a great episode, although you'd think Liv knowing the Chief of the Department stole evidence would give her enough leverage to prevent him from sending her to jail.

ugh there's no point even arguing with you when you call felicity giving oliver advice 'nagging'

I disagree with so many of these points. For one thing, saying that she 'emasculated' Oliver is ridiculous when what he actually says is that he is now 'at peace' and is less ragey all the time. She's always been a hacker, that's just part of her character. And if Felicity is a Mary Sue what is Oliver? Because his

look it's hard to tell the difference between legit caps lock and sarcastic caps lock

clearly you're watching tv wrong if you think FELICITY is the bad one and laurel is the love interest. Seriously it's hard for me to even process those words

…no. Also not sure why you're caps locking me. There's a difference between saying 'i think that this was bad, or this was good, or I didn't believe this', or a more interesting choice would be so-and-so. It's another to constantly criticise the bland 'style' of a show because a) that's just what the show is and b)