
I love that site too. I went through a number of those A+ books (he does love his eastern european post-war angst that man) and a few have become favourites (Cynthia Ozick being a particularly fantastic find for me).

I think Babel Tower is somewhere in my rough top 10 novels of all time really…For what it achieves, what it attempts to achieve, and the sustained, precise, controlled and wonderful prose that runs through the whole thing. I have seen her talk a few times, and met her very briefly, and she really does have an

1. Complete inability to understand either irony, sarcasm or metaphor.
2. Evidence of chip on shoulder due to deeply sublimated knowledge of own idiocy.
3. Overuse of the world 'bullcrap' indicating a rather limited vocabulary.
4. Just to give you an example of what you are missing: Look again at point 10. It may help

Minnesota declaration: truth and fact in documentary cinema

Wow…I was just vaguely making a possible mix for my wedding (which is not until next summer…so yes, I am stupidly early with it) and suddenly found this article! It is a little easier for us as part of our initial dating was making mix tapes for each other. My fiance was rather unsubtle by putting 'Flower' by

'Weekend' is an amazing piece of filmmaking ,but I do agree that many of his films during this period are very 'same-y'. They use almost identical techniques and are obsessed with repeating the same Marxist critiques of western consumer society again and again and again…I actually liked some of his later stuff though:

But what I don't understand is how that affects your childhood memories or the music you listened to. His death in 2009 has nothing to do with your enjoyment of his music 20 years ago. Plus it's not like he was in the full flow of creative genius and we were cruelly deprived of another masterpiece….

this all reminds me of when Diana died
There was the same instant switch from derision to adulation and mass hysteria. It felt as fake and as ridiculous as this all does. This is a man these people have never met, know little (truth) about, who made some good songs about 20 years ago (with a lot of help from many many

um ok
I don't quite get why all the comments about this movie seem to either berate it for not doing 'proper deep philosophy like what I can do man', or for attempting to do it at all. I watched it, twice, I laughed quite a bit, I smiled at the playful messing around with some simple philosophical concepts, I thought

Paperbag writer
Anyone else think this is one of the best things they have ever done?

After I fixed the whole damn place by renaming the Childlike Empress anyway…
Oh but be careful when using the Auryn to wish new things into existence as it takes away your memories. It took me a while to figure that one out.
Oh and the Desert of Many Colours is awesome.
Say hi to Falkor (although in the

I know…the bass part for that song (Summer in the City) is awesome. My favourite though it the part to 'Until you come back to me' by Aretha Franklin. That is some hardcore playing…

It is a hot summer's day
A very hot summer's day. You are sat in a park or a garden with friends. You are drinking and you are quite possibly smoking. Then the sound of this keyboard comes on…
And you are a very happy bunny…

I think there may be a connection between the two things. I loved the Neverending Story as a kid, and as an adult, because I love reading more than almost anything in the world. I think, however, that one reason for this love is that my condition made me so bad a sports and other outdoor things that I spent most of my

My goddamn negligent parents did not notice that my right eye was wondering off on its own when I was a baby. By the time they did and got it corrected it was too late. Apparently after a while the brain pretty much switches off the eye and it does not develop. It is kind of interesting actually because the

Thanks. I am off to plan an elaborate, and hopefully messy, death. Perhaps I can do it during the screening of a 3D film in a desperate and pointless attempt to draw attention to my plight, and the plight of others like me…the plight of all who must dwell forever in Flatland.

I can't see in 3D as only one of my eyes works properly…The weird thing is this means there is no difference between the way a movie looks and the way the real world looks for me. The problem is, however, that my friends went to see Coraline 3D the other day and I could not join them. This is clearly

Annoying Dickhead?
Absurd dimwit?
Asinine declaimer?
Absolute dumbass?
I could go on but am off out for dinner…

No, I was saying his name is "Tarkovskys former AD', whereas it should be "Tarkovsky's former AD" as he is the former A.D that belonged to Tarkovsky. I was nit-picking at it simply to annoy him, and puncture his pretentiousness a little.
And I just realised I left 'the' in the post above instead of 'an' …whoops…slap

Captain: I was sort of aware that he is an idiot, but I don't post on here (or anywhere really) enough to totally understand the point of what he is doing. How does he have the time to write such long, rambling and pointless things? It is such a strange concept - he writes semi-coherent arguments all over the place