I've achieved my years-long plan of having my work mentioned in the A.V. Club. Now I'm going to go hide under the stairs for the rest of the year.
I've achieved my years-long plan of having my work mentioned in the A.V. Club. Now I'm going to go hide under the stairs for the rest of the year.
Makes me wonder if Peter de Seve knew about this when he painted this illustration:
All I was arguing with was your demonstrably false claim that LAIKA does poorly with critics.
You mean the company whose three features have an 84% average on Rotten Tomatoes?
For your citation, may I direct you to the opinions of virtually everyone in the animation industry.
As a resident of Arizona can I just say…dammit.
What a generous soul you have.
I wasn't even planning on seeing The Interview, but now I think I'll buy ten tickets on opening night and just not go.
I agree. We could have had two films with no abridgment instead of three with added fanfiction.
Can we dispense with calling The Hobbit a "slim volume?" It's as long as The Sound and the Fury. It's two Great Gatsbys, 3.4 A Christmas Carols, and 1.25 Harry Potters.
Stephen Merchant.
What Brian M said. It's a quick read, and so heavily illustrated it won that year's premier American award for picture books.