There's something about how the team's pragmatist is the only one who is dragged down because of his loyalty.
There's something about how the team's pragmatist is the only one who is dragged down because of his loyalty.
"I need this."
I can see the dislike for the plot being too twisty, but I personally loved it. It resulted in a number of great lines, a pronounced show of Claudette vs. Vic's police methods that did not stem from Vic undermining her case (aka Armadillo), and a nice subversion. It started out as Dutch dealing with another serial…
Again, I don't think the relationship needs defending. It IS icky, because Bruce Wayne is a quite damaged person, and he doesn't always make good decisions.
Is it just me or are we all waiting for one of wallflower's delicious blocks of text/analysis?
Yet it did give us the aforementioned “If there’s one thing this country’s good at, it’s incarcerating black males.”
Dude, Batman is a creep.
That shit was like an episode of Law & Order: SVU
At least two of those names are descriptive!
Geoff Johns knows how to combine Silver Age nostalgia with shit that'd barely pass muster in an early Image comic, dude
Given how Punisher goes hog wild whenever he's sent to prison, you'd think they'd send him to a mental institution so at least he wouldn't strangle half the population to death.
Shooter was a pretty lousy people person, but he certainly had his moments. Another good decision by him was decreeing Jean Grey had to die for her crimes as Dark Phoenix.
Ultimates 3: Come for the Wasp becoming white and defending incest as a 21st century thing stodgy old Cap doesn't "get", stay for Hank Pym saying "GUESS THAT MAKES ME THE MOTHERFUCKER!" before he pulls off Ultron's head
It's Jeph Loeb, it being terrible shouldn't be shocking.
Ultimate X-Men got fucked over hard when it had to do a number of "placeholder" runs to fill time before the Bryan Singer (actually his writers on the X-Men films) run that never ended up happening.
That Green Arrow trial was fucking stupid. He killed Prometheus in some other dimension. How the hell is that Star City's jurisdiction?
Correction: his mustache was the best thing about that show.
The Rerun Show!
Who gives a shit about retconning?