
Oh man, you should have seen the pin madness in Nagano. Kawaii collectables in Japan? It was bonkers. People were (temporarily) quitting their day jobs to sell pins.

I knew someone would bring up the Cat! So utterly and irrevokably awful. That opening monologue with Roberts' mush-mouthed rambly delivery…gets me every time

If you're Canadian you get excited exclaimations of Vancouver! Toronto! Except they say "Toront," usually, thinking the "to" on the end is an error. Okay, it's funny if you know Japanese.

Truthfully? I"m a horror fan, and still, I find that trailer fucking horrifying. Seriously. It's great.

Yeah, it's the same guy. For some reason he's the drummer here, in Fiona Flanagan's video. I apologize in advance if you actually watch this, but https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I love how cool he is with the little kids, but then totally doesn't give them an autograph…

Man, I was an extra in that shitty movie! I never got to see it of course, no one did, but I sat in an auditorium in Hamilton, ON for WAY to many hours, with no Dylan in sight. Just the shirtless sax player from the beach in Lost Boys. There is one great document of the event, though - this youtube clip, where Bob

The article reminded me of Stone Reader, Mark Moskowitz's film about a writer named Dow Mossman. Same kind of idea. One one hand, it works well because it's also, in part, about other one-novel-wonders in American history (see Lee, Harper). On the other hand, they present Mossman's novel, The Stones of Summer, like

After seeing Avengers I gotta say - if my brother were about to destroy the world…my BROTHER, about to DESTORY the WORLD, now…I might not worry about going to visit my gf.  Until, you know, I'd saved her world.  And such.  I really don't think this "dismissal" of Portman is much of a dismissal.  You can't make a big

Oh man.  I was in Toronto when I lucked out and got to do a phone interview with him during 100% Fun time.  Then I got to sit with him in the green room at some TV show and we ended up doing an interview for about an hour.  Just a really nice guy, really open, likes to talk about music.  Whenever he releases a new

i trick people into being nice
well, not really, but: i interviewed ford once, but it was to ask a million questions about wendy crewson. since we were talking about someone else, he was totally cool. i interviewed j mascis too…i just kind of imitated him a little. which sounds weird, but it worked. he'd give me a

in-jokes aplenty
from random-ass movies like pet semetary ("twist your back! twist your back!") to glover, of course, asking for the "fancy corkscrew" before jason voorhees puts it through his hand. it's funny how obscure little bits of cinema (or song or what have you) speak to you when you're young, and your whole