Philthy Mike

The audience for movies like this one is so small that it's pretty much confined to only fans of extreme horrror, so it's asking a lot of the AV Club to have a fan of extreme horror on staff. I'm a longtime fan of the horror genre and I've enjoyed a lot of the harder Italian films of the 70s and 80s, I like Takashe

The audience for movies like this one is so small that it's pretty much confined to only fans of extreme horrror, so it's asking a lot of the AV Club to have a fan of extreme horror on staff. I'm a longtime fan of the horror genre and I've enjoyed a lot of the harder Italian films of the 70s and 80s, I like Takashe

Sorry it took me a few days to get back here.

Sorry it took me a few days to get back here.

I was somewhat interested in checking out TDKR despite not liking TDK much, because the film seemed to be drawing from two of my favorite Batman storylines (Knightfall and The Dark Knight Returns) and because I loved Tom Hardy in Bronson and thought he could make an interesting villain. What turned me off to the movie

I was somewhat interested in checking out TDKR despite not liking TDK much, because the film seemed to be drawing from two of my favorite Batman storylines (Knightfall and The Dark Knight Returns) and because I loved Tom Hardy in Bronson and thought he could make an interesting villain. What turned me off to the movie

1. The last two episodes of Mad Men are among the best of the series IMO.
2. How long before Don embarks on an affair with his ex-wife? It has to happen.
3. If not the ex-, Don will screw this up with Meg eventually. You can only generate "will he or won't he?" type tension for so long.

I wanted so badly to LOVE a Cabin in the Woods but I left the theater feeling fairly disappointed. ACITW wasn't scary and didn't deliver what I like about horror movies: suspense, atmosphere or striking, iconic imagery. This probably wouldn't have bothered me much if the movie wasn't mismarketed; I knew it had some

Like other commenters I heard a lot of Husker Du, Fugazi and the Wipers on this album, especially on "Wasted Days," which reminds me a LOT of "Youth of America" with its 8+ minute freakout. It's nice to hear a relatively new indie rock album that to some extent justifies the hype.

Fugazi and Gang of Four are "forward" no matter what direction you came from.

I'm late to the party as usual, but I saw this film over the weekend … and didn't like it, either. I've enjoyed what little I've read from Jack Ketchum (mostly Peaceable Kingdom) and liked May, so The Woman was very disappointing. I actually thought the lead actor was excellent and most of the cast was pretty good

Night Train Murders is so bad that it makes Last House on the Left look like The Virgin Spring.

Eli Roth likes horror movies so much that he talks about them all the time and makes like one every four years! He's sort of an even less original, talented or prolific Alexandre Aja.

I wish the "new school of extreme French horror" would produce better movies. Frontiere(s) was a fairly average Texas Chainsaw retread and most of the recent horror films to come out of France (La Horde and the Pack were the last two I've seen) are pretty dull. Other than Martyrs and Inside, I can't think of any

This is my last reply:

Huntress looks pretty stacked in that first pic.

For what it's worth, in case anyone is still reading this comments section …

"Interesting take.  By which I mean, you're a jackass."

Actually, I really like Hellraiser and it didn't occur to me to lump that in with the same idea but I guess the Cenobites do sort of dress like S&M doms or whatever. It's still an idea I don't see all that much in film or TV and I was disappointed in the Rubberman reveal and the fact that the show is mostly all sound

I tried, I really did. The one original touch and something I liked was the way AHS combined erotic / fetish imagery with horror tropes - that's something I haven't seen before. But the show is such a mess, it really seems like a committee of ten or more writers script AHS on a weekly basis without any regard to