
Well, as a German, I can't corroborate that. ;)
After some digging it seems that mayo-based potato salad is common in the North, while the vinegar-based one is a Southern specialty.
As usual, the Bavarians define Germany's image in the world…

To what extent is that "German" potato salad? Most of the ones I know are mayo-based, though the good ones aren't drowned in the stuff, of course. Is yours a regional specialty?

I'm not!

Exaggerating celebrities' more or less real personality traits for comedic effect is what Sean does in most of his newswires.
Calling him out in only this particular instance seems somewhat suspect, quite frankly.

Well, Samberg almost looks like Nicolas Mahut if you squint just right, but Harrington isn't exactly a dead ringer for John Isner.
Yes, that's right. Tennis references!

You started it!

Same thing for me with Mad Men.

Though I don't see how three-year-olds are any better, really.

That's only because of that douchetastic picture Sean has been running with the Son Of God newswires.

I, for one, always found it much funnier than the original.

I'm not usually one for technical gimmicks, but that thing was pretty awesome. I think my favorite last night was the beginning of the piano rendition with the floor lighting up for each note.

Since this is an American site, maybe Erik meant women's soccer? ;)

My first thought went to Alphas, but this works, too, of course.

It pains me greatly, but I have to confess that I didn't really feel this one. There was some interesting stuff, but I just didn't manage to connect with it. Consequently, the final battle not only didn't much resonate with me, I even found it, dare I say, a bit tedious as it went on.
I very much apologize for my lack

I thought Sotnikova was great in the short program, too, actually. That's when I took note of her. But, again, artistic merit is subjective.
And Lipnizkaya skated a flawless routine in the short aside from the fall. Considering the difference in points to the three in the lead (where she would have found herself

I always do, because I feel big sporting events benefit from an enthusiastic home crowd.

Hm, I on the other hand quickly got sick of the German commentator, because he seemed to be describing every single little thing and just wouldn't shut up. But maybe that was just during the short program, I switched to a BBC stream yesterday.

The figure skating had several great performances and was pretty dramatic, too. I can understand being disappointed by the outcome, but I don't agree that it was "anticlimactic".

It's a pity that such a great competition with numerous wonderful performances will apparently be remembered for controversy.
I have to say that I disagree with the general consensus that paints Sotnikova as a kind of jumping robot devoid of any sense of aesthetics. That's an image I also don't quite agree with

I think I'm rooting for Adelina "Hey, I'm Russian, Too!" Sotnikova. There was a bit of an edge to her performance, I felt, and rather awkward applause afterwards. The audience had forgotten she was competing as well.