Private First Class Parts

You monster!

Lose belly fat with this one weird trick! Get crucified.

Episode IV and V

Mississippi, Indianapolis and Hallelujah, too.

Knocking Jump Boots

Smegging Brits! Learn English, you toffs!


…and only vaginas if The Cooch gets elected.

Let slip the hogs of GWAR

Curly and Dudley?

Have you tried Carlos Stranger?

Send me up some tacos for my whore.

I thought it was 'Magnumbed'

Counter-intelligence: If I told you I'd have to wound you severely.

Ok, I won't buy any of his paintings.

Like when Obama invaded Iraq and Afghanistan or the time he actually did something about the tens of millions of uninsured?

Like when Obama said "If you're not with us, you're against us!"


Any good deli.

I'm fond Caligula. I could have a beer with that guy.