Private First Class Parts

InActionMan I'm going to borrow "Shruggalos". Thank you for that.

What does Xenu think?

Well, that way if it bombs you can shout 'CENSORSHIP' and scream how a liberal conspiracy hurt your film and if it does well, you can be smug (see chick-fil-a) assholes.

Cyrus and Obama?

7.62 full.metal.jack-off

Captian America hold the line on Little Round Top, saves the UNION!!!

Was, Not Was.

I gave one of those once. Not anymore.

I'll do it for a tuppance!

No they're the ones that wrote 'Far Side of the Moon', I think.

Why am I reminded of the series premier of Metalocolypse?


Fair vet trips. Crass splat

wait, get an axe.


(see's girl in that bikini)

It just exposed that having money does not bestow class. The "Queen" is such a cloying, pathetic, attention-starved git who knows that she can be replaced with a younger model at a moment's notice (which her husband reminds her frequently)

Yeah, but I enjoy all the Richard Scarry and LeapFrog suggestions next to Caged Heat and anime porn.

Jess Franco is a hero of mine.

I like it when they speak their funny foreign languages slower and louder so I can understand.