Private First Class Parts

Probably just be a bunch of covers of 4:33.

What, did you hear this one before?

He knows it's over.

In Chris' defense, have you seen Rhianna's hair?

A mandatory minimum I can get behind!

At some point all moms have liked boners, or at least tolerated one.

What are we gonna go unless they are?

Don't move! I'm at the event horizon……

Hello! As an Army enlisted-manI abhor the implication that the army is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the USAF who now suffer the largest casualties in this area. And what do you think they ate in Qatar. Arabs? Yours etc. Private First

mmm spam.

No Hobbits!

Winne the Grand Wizard?

I heard language professors hate him.

Yeah I saw them open for TMBG at the Anaheim HoB. They were pretty fun. Great stage presence. Not too often I get to rock-out to a guy playing a contra-bass clarinet.

All your bass belong to us!

Payola? What kind of money?

What about slightly darker black t-shirts?

Nah, he's cool.

Why, does it come in 'bone'?

I like Alan Moore's work and wish they would make better adaptations, but, he should stop taking the money if he's so damned offended. Maybe, just maybe, he should climb down off that high-horse of his and do one himself or at least demand a measure of creative control.