Private First Class Parts

I am really frightened.


My Walkman!


No, no. She, understandably, has issues with mechanical beings.

The shouls have gone with "Smell the Glove"

The proper response would have been:

Where's the documentary about R.O.B.?


I thought it was for a Munich Steamer

Rats off to you.

Yeah, but the drapes are a lost cause.

What, you didn't mark that bubble on the Bio in your profile?


My libido!

They tricked us! No, wait. They illusioned us.

Nope, the Dumont Network.

Always remember something.

He should stay away a bit longer.

No, it's not double reverse racism. The blank can refer to anything of which you are not responsible for. Another fine example is that ultr-shitty Lee Greenwood song "Proud to be an American". I am not pround to be an American, I am happy to be one. My mother could be proud to be an American seeing as how she had to