Private First Class Parts


Only if that river is choked with pig carcasses!

A rapist skunk?

Is that her "safe word"?

I don't know, your governors make me feel like a freakin' genius. I like that.

I'm really hankering for some of that crystaline methamphetamine!

My, um mom, totally thinks I'm a loose cannon.

McGruff, the Criminal Dawg

Only if you have some of those fine Marijuana cigarettes. Do you know where a hip dude like myself could procure one of those or other ilicit controlled substances, so I can get high? Please provide names, brief descriptions, addresses and birthdates. Gnarly to the max!

Why do I feel like there should be a star trailed by a rainbow in your comment?

It's all very true, every time I went to a prositute, the encounter was accompanied with a hearty laugh-track.

I always imagined that this is what it would look like if Jim Anchower wanted to make a film.

True, I wait for the MYoF feature for the trilogy.

Show her on the voodoo doll where you want to be touched.

It's ok, Toasterlad said you could borrow his

Maybe she's just a huge 'Blossom' fan

play…yeah, just acting…

That was the first screen appearance of R. Kelly, right?

I don't know, do they match my Bruno Maglis?

And some Naked Gun