Private First Class Parts

Tuesday: Club 10 baby seals, set one free day!

Maybe they can get Joe Francis to produce, he's got some free time these days.

You fingered Amilia Earhart where?

What a shocker.


The one with George Carlin as the narrator is the best.

Nothing more akward than having to remind the babysitter that "recently watched" is a feature every time she comes over to watch the kid. I feel like saying, 'I have to look your parents in the eye every weekend, don't make me agree what a sweet and innocent kid you are when you're watching soft-core porn at my house!'

Season 3 of Archer, where the fuck is it?!

Based on your commen you might like:

[Ejects tape then reinserts tape]

If you love Barbarella mixed with James Bond with no budget and even less talent, you'll like Zeta One!

You think thats bleak, try doing that to Walking Dead. You'll need to be talked off a ledge by lunch time.

Invisible Obama is unavailable, will you settle for Teo's dead girlfriend?

I will continue to still not care.

People who horse around.

Dammit, now Eric Lindros is now out for 6-8 weeks.

You'll feel better about Slate's comment section after visiting the comment section in Yahoo!

Feed them to what?

or delightful.

You take the pun out of everything.