Private First Class Parts

I'm just here to hang out and drink beer like arugula guy.

I can't see that without thinking of KROQ. "revolutionize your ears!"

I waited hours in line to get mine.

Only with male scientists exposed to high levels of gamma radiation.

It's funny, but will it get them off their tractors?

Short of burning those directly into every Canadian's retina's, I'm not sure where else they can go.

Just apologize and move on. It's the Canadian weh.

bloody mary, bloody mary, bloody mary!

Its a small room at the front of the plane, but that's not important right now.


It's an entirely different kind of flying.

[Punches ren-fair chicks]

Son of a …wait, I had somehting.

Will you be my beard?

guy with dick joke name concurrs

Yeah, I tried to sell my wife on the idea of Dick Before Dawn, but she just sounded irritated and asked who the hell Dawn was.

What about a Jeep with bad-ass eagle on the hood? Do they have one of those?

I'll be soylent green with envy.

You can also check out camping stores. During the winter that sort of stuff usually goes on sale to make room for skiing and snow-shoeing stuff.

That counts as your bathroom break!