Private First Class Parts

Ride the Walrus!

At least the dialog would be less distracting.

…says the Ayn Rand fan.

So it could be the opposite of The Godfather?

New windscreen for your Pontiac Aztec. Pay luxury tax $200.00.

Risk! (everything)

RVs instead of houses.

You ate my battleship!

That's ok. I think we all learned that 53% of hard-working honest Americans will give me free money.

I'll play that as soon as I re-assemble my TV.

Yes, his Character was named 'David Duchovney'

True. I live in OC and every time I've been to a Morrisey concert I'm beset by pompodor wearing hispanic men. I'm not complaining, I just find it strange that a pastey, vegitarian, Mancurian who has vauguely racist overtones in his lyrics appeals to my brown neighbors.

He just finished watching 'Death to Smoochy' didn't he?

3rd prize, transvaginal ultrasound administered by a one-eyed epileptic!

No, they mis-spoke. It's Hometown, Buffet.

Someone needs to make colonoscopy-ade out of those lemmons.

Why, why would anyone visit Denton, TX? And how is that not one of those places "support right wing extremist NRA sucking bozo-ology.”

Now we know why Cliffy is no longer welcome at the East St. Louis Greyhound bus station men's room.


No man, weight is where it's at. Chicks dig a heavy penis.