Private First Class Parts

DAWES! Oh, wait, wrong AVC meme.

Sheriff Lobo?

Woooo Dethklok!

It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Kong!

It's CCCsPan2

Not at the circle, at Hollingshead's on Main. That place and Zlacket's on Main in Garden Grove are my favorite places to get sandwiches.

How will the performers breath with all the Axe Body Spray fumes wafting from the crowd?

Maybe that's why I listen to it before I play hockey. It angrys-up the blood.

4 alarm chile!

No it's the EP (Y)

How (far)?

Bail bonds and sex lube.

Lucky Bastard. I've had the Pliny the Elder. They have it on tap in a deli here in Orange, CA.

Al Pacino as Phil Specter who is BOBA FETT!

Jango took it away after some kid choked on one.

Luck Skywalker: I don't believe it!

Keep stroking that wookie!

Mine is Texas Chainsaw Massengill

You are non-human and deserved to be loved.

No mention of the fact that the scene obviously takes place in the past? How many wheeled cars are in NNY in the year 3000 outside of Past-O-Rama (on the former site of Brooklyn)?