Private First Class Parts

Hitler baby one more time.

Ask and receive you shall.

I read that quickly and initially thought it said "He's back, in porn."

If you have a toddler, shit in pajamas is not in short supply.

"I can cross "stab Hitler to death" off my list of cool crap I thought I'd never get to do."

Stupid, sexy Calvin Klein. My 2 y/o daughter was hypnotized by that stupid commercial! <shakes fist="">

What's Matthew McConaughey like in person?

James Cameron?

Can we at least have Annie's Boobs?

So, it's Benjamin Button, but in reverse and even shittier?

That's right, its October 19th! The erection's not over!

Go ahead and skip, I swear it doesn't make you look gay.

Atlas Shrugged 2: Rugged Individualist Bugaloo!

It's what happens when a cellular tower is installed in Lisa's bedroom. Communication + Unity = Community!

Well, that half of the battle has been won…

Lee Iacocca?

Yes, Dancing in the Streets was a "high point" in Jagger's musical career.

That gets a PFC-

I thought that was when they recorded a duet with Bowie.

That's Crazy