Roneesh Vashisht

wow, that's kinda cool.

Telling everyone all the bruises on both your bodies is from Wii boxing is not going to work.

This point is spot on, Aziz should realize that most people at that level have no control over big stuff like that, and generally try their best to make people happy.

yeah but you're drowning in kilts over there.

that's pretty cute, but unless your family owns one your kid is watching too much TV!

well, I think you gotta wait until next week.

When she made her appearance tonight, I realized that the show works without her pretty well.

A check so big and fat when you say its chilly outside, it runs out with a bowl and spoon.

anyone can have a condescending sigh… I think Ayn Rands would be especially so. At least towards us internet message board/comment section users, we're not planning the trains, building green steel (wasn't it green!?) or being hot sexy badasses in general.

yay! and what I won?

I insist
That at mine everyone has to sing The Microphones' "I can't believe you actually died"

nah its cool.

yeah its tagline should be "for when you're too grief stricken to make one of your usual lame mix CD's…"

Yakkity Sax is probably the best thing in the history of manking.

that's your kids revenge for all the trans fats.

uh oh Cronen, that means your comment is probably even more insignificant, and Joel's even more so! and mine least significant of all!

That sucks Ayn Rand, now you'll just have to take solace in your amazing good looks and your talent that makes us all seem like ants… ants I tell you!

I think at times you can separate the artist from the art, people do it all the time when the work is merely "Challenging" and not overtly negative or espousing some radical (generally conservative) view.

yeah, but you know what we are buying this season, gingham! Gingham for you, me, everybody, especially Zac Efron!

@firebadmattgood, no those movies aren't bad, because the violence has some point, some artistic merit and even though they're violent, they offer a bit of hope. I'm sure they guy who made Martyr thought he was making art, and that does elicit from me a small bit of understanding, but unrelenting, hopeless misery