Roneesh Vashisht

They are an act that literally lives the lifetime pass ethos, as it will allow them to make a living touring until they just can't get on stage anymore.

I said I didn't mind, that's a big difference from totally love.

As I recall an AVClub staff writer said Watchmen even surpassed Moby Dick, so yeah, I think he for sure has one.

Because of Dirty Work I will always at least check out Norm Macdonald's new projects.

I think the Man Show is exactly why he doesn't deserve a lifetime pass (not that he's done anything totally worthy of one elsewhere). The Man Show basically celebrated the crummiest aspects of being a guy, drinking cheap beer, lusting after women way hotter than you're likely to get and Jimmy Kimmel.

Robert Pollard, The Flaming Lips
Steve Hyden got it spot on with Bob Pollard, yes, literally as we speak, he is writing a song, and yes, he is still playing in first position, but a man of such heroic output always deserves our love and admiration.

You know, I actually didn't mind Jar Jar Binks.

no way, even though Rushmore is my favorite movie, Owen Wilson is never going to be absolved of all the clunkers.

Sheldon's Aspergers
I'm glad the writers have not pigeon-holed themselves by giving him this disorder. I hope gradually and naturally the open him up a bit, or at least make the other characters a bit less prone to be dragged down by him. I really like this show, but its cringe inducing watching Sheldon interact with

@Ghost Tits, I know, I was being sarcastic

I only mentioned my brother because he told me about that and thought it was awesome. I wasn't trying to rag on anyone, I've certainly loved some clunky shows in my day.

I hate the movies so much, first Jennifer Garner is Elektra, and now this…

nope, that's the allure of American Boner Network, as I call it, ABC.

I think its hilariously telling that last time I was on Hulu, the top movie clip was the shower scene from Porky's

combining Michael Farady and the book of Daniel, which my brother (a lost fanatic) thinks is cool.

There's no pride in watching Lost, or as I call it "show where they cram in as many quirky niche crap ideas as possible"

True Story
In other better news, ABC will now stand for American Boner Network

disclaimer: when I made that joke about the guy looking like liam neeson I had completely forgotten about his recent tragedy, sorry liam!

How will Marvel figure out a way to whore its creations out next?

yeah, I bet liam neeson looks like that all the time when he's getting laid.