Drool Drool


Oww. My lungs.

Oww. My lungs.

Despite the female Canadian lead and the light, electro-poppy sound, it ain't no "Mushaboom".

Despite the female Canadian lead and the light, electro-poppy sound, it ain't no "Mushaboom".

And outsourced to China where children melted down the bodies over an open fire to accumulate trace elements?

And outsourced to China where children melted down the bodies over an open fire to accumulate trace elements?

When are they going to make my idea, "Bi-Curious Island"?!!??!

When are they going to make my idea, "Bi-Curious Island"?!!??!

Will There Ever Be a Rainbow?

Will There Ever Be a Rainbow?

"This is exactly the kind of attention to detail that I expect in our administrative assistants.  When can you start?"

"This is exactly the kind of attention to detail that I expect in our administrative assistants.  When can you start?"

Wow.  You're really up to date on your Zac Brown related material.

Wow.  You're really up to date on your Zac Brown related material.

So this is like a scaled down version of a mild windy day that knocks out all of my DirectTV channels?

So this is like a scaled down version of a mild windy day that knocks out all of my DirectTV channels?

Whenever I was a kid and we played the original "Genus" Trivial Pursuit I never knew the answer to the questions about old movies.

Whenever I was a kid and we played the original "Genus" Trivial Pursuit I never knew the answer to the questions about old movies.

Huh. Huh. Huh.  Yeah, Beavis, he's gay, you fag.  Huh. Huh. Huh.