
That headshot of Hale kinda mimicks my reaction when I saw the C grade…

That headshot of Hale kinda mimicks my reaction when I saw the C grade…

I wouldn't even know this lady had 'pervy' pics out there, if he hadn't pointed it out!
So who's the perv now, Erik 'smut-peddler' Adams?

I wouldn't even know this lady had 'pervy' pics out there, if he hadn't pointed it out!
So who's the perv now, Erik 'smut-peddler' Adams?

That's because the Paralympics closing ceremony isn't until September 9th.

That's because the Paralympics closing ceremony isn't until September 9th.

That's because the Paralympics closing ceremony isn't until September 9th.

My prediction: Darius, despite looking oh so guilty here, is still innocent.
He is in fact on the run because he saw or overheared the assassination-deal or telling preparations being made (other then seeing that scope rifle). OR he simply fears he's gonna be arrested as a suspect due to having threatened the major so

My prediction: Darius, despite looking oh so guilty here, is still innocent.
He is in fact on the run because he saw or overheared the assassination-deal or telling preparations being made (other then seeing that scope rifle). OR he simply fears he's gonna be arrested as a suspect due to having threatened the major so

One particular drawing in the title sequence always reminds me of Niles. True story.

One particular drawing in the title sequence always reminds me of Niles. True story.

"(…) it just feels watered down. Part of it is financial restrictions, but it's hardly "a war" when there are about six people on each side. There's simply no sense of world in peril feel here"

"(…) it just feels watered down. Part of it is financial restrictions, but it's hardly "a war" when there are about six people on each side. There's simply no sense of world in peril feel here"

I'm surprised we all understood/interpreted his naga-ness so differently.

I'm surprised we all understood/interpreted his naga-ness so differently.

*makes a mental note to bring a book the day he gets invited to a threesome at the Kumagoro household*

*makes a mental note to bring a book the day he gets invited to a threesome at the Kumagoro household*

So an expertly chiseled hardwood object for everyday use that looks even better when you rub it in with a good few coats of oil? Duly noted, good sir.

So an expertly chiseled hardwood object for everyday use that looks even better when you rub it in with a good few coats of oil? Duly noted, good sir.

*smacks forehead*
Oh, man. I'd actually forgotten all about him playing with that weapon.
Though I gotta assume that was a fake-out, 'cause I can't imagine the show giving the whole 'who shot at Kane' away that early in the season, and that directly. It seems much better suited for a season-long mystery.