
I noticed the wound drip as it happened, since they showed it quite explicitly; and it already became obvious to me Ryan was influenced by that as she was first working him out the door.
I just figured it was a succubus thing. She can make people feel really attracted to her simply by touch, so it made perfect sense to

Silas Weir Mitchell to the director:
"You want my character to 'mark his territory' where ?"

Silas Weir Mitchell to the director:
"You want my character to 'mark his territory' where ?"

Like the doc I kinda liked it too, but MAN did it overload on mythology.
So much so I had to heartily agree with Nick saying
"Okay, now I have a headache."
and then I wondered whether that was a meta comment from the poor guy tasked with writing all those myth details down into the script.

Like the doc I kinda liked it too, but MAN did it overload on mythology.
So much so I had to heartily agree with Nick saying
"Okay, now I have a headache."
and then I wondered whether that was a meta comment from the poor guy tasked with writing all those myth details down into the script.

I found it to be a worthwhile distraction.

I found it to be a worthwhile distraction.

You know, I would not be surprised if Bohannon gets back into Durant's good graces again, by offering to take out the men who keep robbing his trains.

You know, I would not be surprised if Bohannon gets back into Durant's good graces again, by offering to take out the men who keep robbing his trains.

When it comes to being the same on the inside, I can only ever recall the veiny part for some reason.
I wish veiny was a color. "I'd totally paint the town veiny with your pinky."
I'm not quite sure what pinky is in this, but it all sounds semi-arousing.
And as such perfectly befitting a sexy man/woman mixmatch like

When it comes to being the same on the inside, I can only ever recall the veiny part for some reason.
I wish veiny was a color. "I'd totally paint the town veiny with your pinky."
I'm not quite sure what pinky is in this, but it all sounds semi-arousing.
And as such perfectly befitting a sexy man/woman mixmatch like

The Sharps rifle thing is what we got in the Pilot episode though. And this episode's mystery didn't feel like a rehash of that episode's mystery to me (a non book-reader).

The Sharps rifle thing is what we got in the Pilot episode though. And this episode's mystery didn't feel like a rehash of that episode's mystery to me (a non book-reader).

Right, yes. Hadn't considered that.
I was trying to pin him on something, anything, else than the others had already been linked with.

Right, yes. Hadn't considered that.
I was trying to pin him on something, anything, else than the others had already been linked with.

If those surgeons are male I don't really see the surprise here..

If those surgeons are male I don't really see the surprise here..

I'm making a wild guess here that I admit I didn't even think about while watching the episode, but perhaps he just wanted any (good) excuse to be on that train so he could have that 'coincidental' meeting at the Durant stopover. (In other words, he wasn't thinking with his brain so much as his big black heart.)

I'm making a wild guess here that I admit I didn't even think about while watching the episode, but perhaps he just wanted any (good) excuse to be on that train so he could have that 'coincidental' meeting at the Durant stopover. (In other words, he wasn't thinking with his brain so much as his big black heart.)

I was surprised too, but then I recalled she was pretty seriously resentful towards him in s01 over how he'd treated his wife & offspring. She might feel he's stood in the way of other people's happiness long enough, won't let it happen to her now too. Still a calculated cold move.