
that would be the undersized but quick-to-the-finish Pony Express?
well… we all have our fetishes I suppose.

There's only so much curtain the set-dressers can rehang.

There's only so much curtain the set-dressers can rehang.

History's first case of second-hand smoking gone horribly wrong, courtesy of the pope's cigarros.

History's first case of second-hand smoking gone horribly wrong, courtesy of the pope's cigarros.

My life will seem fullfilled once I unsuspectingly run into this repetitive comment synergizing with a 'tl;dr' from Whovian

My life will seem fullfilled once I unsuspectingly run into this repetitive comment synergizing with a 'tl;dr' from Whovian

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus I'm gonna borrow that analogy for the next time a girlfriend breaks up with me.

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus I'm gonna borrow that analogy for the next time a girlfriend breaks up with me.

Another solid episode. I keep looking forward to watching this show every week, and it's yet to disappoint.

Another solid episode. I keep looking forward to watching this show every week, and it's yet to disappoint.

This reads like an indie tampon-commercial.

This reads like an indie tampon-commercial.

It could be worse. Imagine your ship & the waters surrounding your ship completely on fire, with your last place of refuge from the flames being the inside of a full barrel of… oh god. oh.. g.. *vomits*

It could be worse. Imagine your ship & the waters surrounding your ship completely on fire, with your last place of refuge from the flames being the inside of a full barrel of… oh god. oh.. g.. *vomits*

It's distilled from Abies cephalonica?

It's distilled from Abies cephalonica?

…getting speared… in the face?
No wonder this thing is all over the internet.

…getting speared… in the face?
No wonder this thing is all over the internet.

Hm, s01e05 should be 2.25, not 2.55; Sorry, typo.
Can't be arsed to go make it anew. (It'll probably bug me the rest of the morning though, so at least there's that.)