
When it comes to slotting in Razor, I recommend this way:
2x16 Sacrifice
2x18 Downloaded
2x17 The Captain's Hand
4x01-4x02 Razor (extended)
2x19 Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I
.. and then continue. Downloaded is pretty much stand-alone, and it fills the month-long gap between #'s 16 and 17 and Captain's Hand rolls right into

My Grams was the same about her kitchen (boys were allowed for cookies) and she and my moms are almost opposite from the subservient wife model defined in the review.

Ahh, Terriers. Why not this: some mid- to upper-level FX exec might use the internet just a little and stumble across the frothy, dedicated fanbase of Terriers and bring the show back. Why can't things like this happen? The people involved in making Terriers haven't all moved on to other projects yet, just throw them

Ahh, Terriers. Why not this: some mid- to upper-level FX exec might use the internet just a little and stumble across the frothy, dedicated fanbase of Terriers and bring the show back. Why can't things like this happen? The people involved in making Terriers haven't all moved on to other projects yet, just throw them

My nephew loves the prequels, thinks the originals are not as "exciting and stuff". I know he'll come around on his own, but until then it's jar-jarring to talk Star Wars with him. I feel like Lucas converted him to some evil religion, and I can't talk him out of it. Anyone with kids have the same thing happen? Any

My nephew loves the prequels, thinks the originals are not as "exciting and stuff". I know he'll come around on his own, but until then it's jar-jarring to talk Star Wars with him. I feel like Lucas converted him to some evil religion, and I can't talk him out of it. Anyone with kids have the same thing happen? Any