Joelle from Infinite Jest; Marge Simpson; the green Twi-Lek dancer in Jobba the Hutt's throne room from Jedi; Gadget from Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers; the Garofalo character in Ratatouille
Joelle from Infinite Jest; Marge Simpson; the green Twi-Lek dancer in Jobba the Hutt's throne room from Jedi; Gadget from Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers; the Garofalo character in Ratatouille
-Grampa, didn't you wonder why you were getting paid without doing any work?
-I just figured it was 'cause the Democrats were in power again.
Wilder, Lumet, Coppola and Lee are all great choices, but I think both Hitchcock and David Lean would be better. While the great, personal movies are obvious, both men did great work in studio genre flicks that are worth separating from the hijacked studio pics. Also, the debates that would ensue after a Spielberg…
Scorsese as master of composition: Last Temptation
Scorsese as master of editing: GoodFellas
Best melding of the two: Raging Bull
Most ambitious: Gangs
Best performances: De Niro in Bull, Pesci in GoodFellas, Day-Lewis in Age of Innocence, DiCaprio in Aviator
Most rewatchable: Departed
Best overall: GoodFellas - it's got…