
Yeah Legends of Tomorrow pulled the same stunt, during both scenes I'm thinking "shoot him in the leg…no? Just gonna let him walk? Seriously, we're going with that…*sigh*"

This might be a bit too cynical but…having Mon-El be right about the threat allowed the ep to have their cake and eat it too, have SOMEONE recognize the danger but also initially ignore it, because he's expressing his concerns in the wrong manner and for the wrong reasons (because he's a sexist jerk). Which allows the

This is such a frustrating show. Kara finally tells off Mon-El, yay! (only 5 or 6 eps too late, but ok). Too bad he was actually right about Jeremiah, lost underneath the fact that he's an ass. I was afraid the episode would back off that particular plot point, either by having Kara apologize or by having Jeremiah not

They had to get all 9 (10?) of them on their knees in front of Negan somehow. All of them hopping into the RV wouldn't have made any sense, so they had to move the rest of them into place another way. Denise's death was meaningless, but it gave Daryl a "reason" to go charging out after Dwight, thus giving

So…with the North united under the Stark banner again, Dorne and the Reach allied with Dany, and the Freys losing their leader plus some sons baked into dinner, does House Lannister have ANY allies left? I seem to remember a threat ("what veil?") concerning the food and troops that House Tyrell supplied them, so the

Good god, I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch the screen, or laugh myself hoarse when he agreed to 1 year probation then added "it (the deal) won't get any better." Um, ASSHOLE, you went from offering 4 years, to no jail time, for almost no reason at all, Alicia has punked your sorry ass in almost every scene, and you

I wouldn't have been happy watching Daryl/Michonne/whoever die either, but it would've been a better ending. Also, it's not that I don't think there'll be gruesome again (of course there will, I imagine next season will open on a shot of a corpse with a recognizable face and a lot of brains oozing out of his/her

It really is amazing that the bloody gory cable zombie show that has given us some of the most gruesome deaths ever, punks out in the name of a cheap cliffhanger, but we get a bloody chair bludgeoning on ABC. Also amazing that they were both the wrong move for their respective shows. Guess it's not a coincidence that

Yup, yet another dick. And also head of an evil operation on a show called Nikita a while back. I think casting directors say to themselves 'hmm, we need a douchebag…call Xander!"

So they kept marching toward the fire, not noticing the group of humans
chopping them up, despite it being shown on multiple occasions that
zombies can and will attack humans even when there are other, stronger
stimuli nearby? But only the expendable ones, and only when the plot dictates, I guess.