
I realize there are a sh*t-load of people younger than me these days, but it still somehow saddens me that your introduction to "Because The Night" was through the cherubic twirling of Natalie Merchant.

Why not? She's already got the perm!

>>Fear The Walking Dead<<

"The Shit Hits the Fans"!

Rory Cochrane looks like an extra from "The Man From Uncle" TV show in this movie.

Thanks for the tip on the Showtime doc., as I didn't even know it existed. I'll have to try to track it down on DVD.

If nothing else, I think we can all agree that their 2nd album (which I'm listening to again as I write this) was mostly a stinker (sorry, Paul).

Yeah, "The Council" didn't really work for me either. I don't mind hearing them occasionally, but never really make the effort to put on this compilation disc I have:

Not yet! I just played my Black Market Clash 10-inch last week!

They got Burton suits, ha! You think it's funny?
Turning rebellion into money

Somewhat surprising you can be high on the "Beat Surrender" EP and down on "The Gift".

Please feel free to rank the Jam studio albums by your personal preference.

Yeah, "Sound Affects" is still way ahead of this one IMHO.

There was a 2012 reissue on CD if you really want to dive in DEEP:

That photo up top makes it look like McCarthy is now auditioning for Paul Feig's latest film, a gender swapping remake of QUADROPHENIA.

Wow! Nice flashback, AV Club! I bought this album in early '82 when it came out, along with Graham Parker's new one ("Another Grey Area"). I remember being underwhelmed by both of them at the time, but this one surely has increased in stature 34 years later. Parker's, not so much.

The "Cuckoo's Nest" themed ep., "Shawn Interrupted", was a fave. of mine. They even brought in Brad Dourif for authenticity.

If there would have been a 9th season, I'm sure they would have skewered "The Voice" by somehow continuing their unrequited love of Curt Smith and brought him back again as a coach on the pseudo show.

I hope he can also get El Chapo some work in there somehow.

Agreed! I was able to keep up with god-awful reality TV without having to watch any of it.