To Say Nothing of the Dog

Also it vibrates.

So, I googled Jean Shrimpton and she was really hot. By what standards was she considered plain? Even judging by supermodel standards, she seems fine.

This show is weirdly full of fathers trying to stop their daughters from getting laid.

Something I've always wondered about Li and Lo is who they are in relation to Azula and Zuko. Are they distant aunts? Cousins? Cousins by marriage? Maybe they're just very trusted retainers? I don't think they're on the official family tree.

That comment actually made me think of the Buddhist concept of a Bodhisattva, a person who can reach enlightenment but postpones it in order to help others and guide them on a path towards enlightenment. The Avatar's role is primarily to help people, so he can't put his own spiritual quest first.

Yeah, there really isn't much of an alternative to Netflix and Redbox where I am. The shitty video store in town shut down, which wasn't a huge loss, but the Hollywood Video in the next town over shut down several years ago, and the Blockbuster in that town just shut down recently. So I'd have to drive two towns over

Honestly, if for some reason there was no internet, I probably still wouldn't subscribe to cable. I would just watch network tv and rent the cable shows I wanted when they came out on dvd. I would be able to get a lot more reading done, that's for sure. But because of the instant gratification of the internet, I find

I do agree with you. I pirate because I love tv, I can't afford cable, and I don't have the moral fortitude for holding back from free awesome stuff. I know it's wrong, but I'm still going to keep doing it. The problem is that pirating seems like a victimless crime (and thus easy to defend) but there will be long-term

The thing is, I have never actually had cable. When I first got a laptop and started streaming various tv shows (whether legally or…not so legally) I was astounded with all the shows that I had just assumed were out of my reach. And yes, I have since bought dvds and am subscribed to netflix because I got hooked on

It looks like no one's brought it up yet, but instantwatcher.com lists movies that are expiring several weeks before they expire, as well as new additions.

It's a wrap sweater, so sometimes she wraps it or ties it and sometimes she lets the drapey bits just hang in front. I suppose it's the ideal sort of sweater to spend eternity in. The leggings-as-pants and the boots are much worse.

Oh god, the noises he'd make when he'd transform! They put my teeth on edge. Also, his weeping. His constant goddamn weeping.

Yeah, that was my first thought. Although it was available pretty widely on the internet (And I think on some Smallville dvds? Although I might be making that up.) so maybe it doesn't count as "unseen."

I remember seeing The Grubbs in TV Guide's big fall preview so it must have gotten canceled after that. Why not just air the pilot at that point?

Most Nicki Minaj songs irritate me, but I love "Super Bass."
And am I the only person (apart from my dad) who actually likes Coldplay? Whatever, A Rush of Blood to the Head is a good album.

I agree. I genuinely like that song, despite my general apathy toward Taylor Swift.

Especially because when people say "Harry Potter for adults" they seem to just mean "has wizards." If anything, the books are Narnia for adults.

I do hate them because of their music. I don't think their clothes are even really that annoying, but the music is unoriginal and the lyrics are incredibly shit.

1. No clue. Weird ghost shit. How was it "alive" in the first place?
2. That was right before she died.
3. Pretty sure that was Thaddeus. Beau has never been shown as anything but completely harmless. Plus Thaddeus lurks in the basement. I'm still not sure whether he's a ghost or undead.

Arcade Fire: 1 PBR.