To Say Nothing of the Dog

This used to be a huge part of my life
When this show started, I was 11. It was the first TV show I really cared about and watched for myself. (Previously, I mostly just watched whatever my parents were watching.) I watched it every night it was on. I learned how to set the VCR just so I could tape it. I bought the

I feel exactly the same. I recently started trying to read all the books in The New Reading Plan and realized that there is no way that I'll be able to read all the "great books" before I die, even if I stopped reading all non-classics (which I won't).

Looking forward to this one
Kate Atkinson is one of my favorite mystery writers—and one of my favorite writers period. I always recommend her books to people who have dumb prejudices against mystery novels.

And when I say "killed," I mean "appearing to kill" because that's all that was shown. SPOILERS for the pilot, I guess.

Pointless coincidence
I have the same set of bedding that Annie does. It's from Target. It was very affordable.

SGU was getting better. It was never really like the other Stargates, but it was starting to be a decent show on its own merit.

Really? The premise is incredibly similar to Megamind, and Megamind executed it much better. Entertaining movies do not necessarily best movies make.

+Johnny Cash song in the trailer=instant hipster boner

I was just amazed that they were able to make a coherent, reasonably gripping movie from all the researching/hacking/shopping at Ikea scenes that were in the book.

Winter's Bone is set in Missouri. Not Arkansas. Not Appalachia.

I'm a chick.

The worst part of the Twilight phenomenon
is that I have to pretend I like it just to carry on a friendly conversation. ("OMG, only x more days till New Moon!" "Yes. How exciting.")God, sometimes I hate other teenage girls.

It's a shitty movie, but I thought the actors did the best they could with some terribly written source material. My point was, they at least show some iota of personality instead of the Mary Sue and generic tortured love interest from the novel.

But this is aimed at teenage girls. The audience gets the sexy and experienced older man (or not experienced rather, because this book also has Celibacy! Vampires) without having to deal with icky old people.

Better than the book
Not that that's saying much. Stewart and Pattinson manage to bring at least some complexity to the characters, who are mind-blowingly boring in the book. Yes, Bella is even more passive, dull, and unlikable in the book—so any spark of life is due to Kristen Stewart.

People would freak out at first. But if someone from this site would meet "real" fictional characters like, say, Number Six or Inara from Firefly, do you think he wouldn't quickly adjust and then try to get into their pants? And Becky doesn't seem to have a very clear boundary between reality and fantasy anyway.

His eerie observational skills were mentioned in the pilot. And we don't know for sure he has Asperger's. Apart from Jeff's joke, they never confirmed it.

Is Kripke just adapting Good Omens at this point?

I was pretty excited when I heard them mention they were in Overland Park, Kansas. I know that place! There aren't many shows set in my neck of the woods, so I overreact a little at any mention of local places.