Sir Giggles von Laughs a Lot

Bob K: At the time what I saw in Perfect Blue struck me more as Japanese cultural tics rather than anime-specific cliches. But again, that was ten years ago…

Perfect Blue's pretty solid but I haven't seen his other films. I'm really, really not trying to start an anime debate here but what struck me the most about Perfect Blue when I first saw it ten years ago was how un-anime-like it was. It was a regular movie, but animated, and as a result largely avoided the stock

And Mike Hammer is somehow evil.

This was one of those movies, like Orphan, where knowing the ending is the only real fun of the whole experience. Or, alternately, it's like Snakes on a Plane, where it's infinitely more interesting to talk about how awful it is than to actually experience it.

More love for PSIV. Which is funny, cos I don't really like any of the other games in the series. II was all fun and games but the insane grindiness of it makes me never want to play it again despite having a character designed after Rutger Hauer.

As a Utah alum and lifelong hater of Notre Dame I'd be mighty saddened if Urban when to South Bend. The Florida situation doesn't bother me—I don't know any Florida fans that I have to put up with so their winning doesn't bother me. He came to Utah with us knowing that we were a stepping stone, he brought sizable

idiotking- I'm afraid I'm neither homosexual or hot. I've failed you on both counts.

The whole age difference thing in Twilight is why I never liked the Buffy/Angel thread in those shows. Even with Tom's explanation posted above I simply couldn't get past the fact that he was over 200 and she was 16.

Nate- As a Mormon male, I can say that that describes some of the male population in my religion. The way that the previous sentence makes sense is that there really aren't any cult-ish reinforcements on an institutional level. It's pretty much all on the family level. So if you grow up with cool, kind, understanding

While I love anything William Castle, I've gotta tell you, the remake of House on Haunted Hill is pretty solid. There are effective scares, creepy atmosphere, and Chris Kattan even manages to be funny. The ending kinda flies off the rails but everything up to that point is good times.

I fell out of love with JRPGs when I hit college, but I still enjoy the occasional nostalgic trip with Final Fantasy 3/6. I know some people find the switch from a linear to an open-ended plot sequence jarring, but I've almost always enjoyed games that give me at least a few options instead of forcing me down a single

Tom: Nope, no one. Except maybe MBS.

Gotta say I'm not really down with the Morrowind love. It's like they were trying to take the openness of Daggerfall but inject it with a more tangible plot, but in the process destroyed everything that was fun about the games and didn't replace it with anything better.

With all the vagueness about the plot in the trailers I'd seen, I was hoping that this was secretly going to be an adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness. I guess not.

Crime and Punishment and Penanggalan.

Oh no, he means .07%. No one with a Saint Etienne avatar can be wrong.

Abraham Benrubi eats a lot
There's always room for jello.