
Leaving out the Leaves of Grass is going to haunt Walter, I believe.

All you bitches complaining that Louie wasn't nominated for a Emmy as best comedy: I laughed out loud more times with BB tonight than I did with the last episode of MPDG: "my paralegal" [get it, "para - legal"?]; Lazer Base; Badger interrupting Skinny Pete's arpeggios; Walt & Jesse watching The 3 Stooges; Scarface,

All you bitches complaining that Louie wasn't nominated for a Emmy as best comedy: I laughed out loud more times with BB tonight than I did with the last episode of MPDG: "my paralegal" [get it, "para - legal"?]; Lazer Base; Badger interrupting Skinny Pete's arpeggios; Walt & Jesse watching The 3 Stooges; Scarface,

I thought Walt's glance at Brock was purely reptilian.

I thought Walt's glance at Brock was purely reptilian.

Sorries for being a Southern pedant, but the correct location of the apostrophe is:   y'all.

Sorries for being a Southern pedant, but the correct location of the apostrophe is:   y'all.

I laughed the most so far this season, and I had pretty good burst at the Doug's denouement de merde.  Sure, Myles, it ain't believable that anyone could actually take a crap sonambulistically, but I'd give it some points for sitcom originality - I don't recall having ever seen a similar moment.  I also thought the

I laughed the most so far this season, and I had pretty good burst at the Doug's denouement de merde.  Sure, Myles, it ain't believable that anyone could actually take a crap sonambulistically, but I'd give it some points for sitcom originality - I don't recall having ever seen a similar moment.  I also thought the

for a microsec, I thought the movie was 'Gangster Squid' (which sounds like a much better flick)

for a microsec, I thought the movie was 'Gangster Squid' (which sounds like a much better flick)

Chile (Gus) + Germans (Madrigal) involves possible escaped Nazi war criminals in South America?

Chile (Gus) + Germans (Madrigal) involves possible escaped Nazi war criminals in South America?

Future spoiler:  I think Jesse & Brock will be hanging out at some point, and Walt appears by chance, and Brock fingers Walt, e.g., "there's the guy who gave me that yummy peanut butter & [lily of the valley] jelly sandwich"

Future spoiler:  I think Jesse & Brock will be hanging out at some point, and Walt appears by chance, and Brock fingers Walt, e.g., "there's the guy who gave me that yummy peanut butter & [lily of the valley] jelly sandwich"

Could you speak a bit slower - it's difficult cutting through your thick Glaswegian brogue

Could you speak a bit slower - it's difficult cutting through your thick Glaswegian brogue

Also saw "Wendell" in the subtitles

Also saw "Wendell" in the subtitles

At first I read 'Saul takes on Jason Mewes'…