
At first I read 'Saul takes on Jason Mewes'…

Damn, I always look forward to his post here.  Thanks for the info.

Damn, I always look forward to his post here.  Thanks for the info.

The Narrator Returns in  5, 4, 3, 2 . . . .

The Narrator Returns in  5, 4, 3, 2 . . . .

OK, so I don't think what happened to Louie was rape.  I think that rape can only happen when it's the other way around, i.e., when a man is perpetrating it (whether man against woman, or man against man).  I completely believe in equality of the sexes, but not equivalence.  If the gender of the actors in this episode

OK, so I don't think what happened to Louie was rape.  I think that rape can only happen when it's the other way around, i.e., when a man is perpetrating it (whether man against woman, or man against man).  I completely believe in equality of the sexes, but not equivalence.  If the gender of the actors in this episode

Knew a dude a few years ago - he was raised in a family who were in the funeral business.  He was a big hulking guy, dark mullety hair, pretty much a bad ass - he reminded me of Kurt Russell. I asked him one night if he had any insights being around death growing up.  He replied that he had learned two things: (1) he

Knew a dude a few years ago - he was raised in a family who were in the funeral business.  He was a big hulking guy, dark mullety hair, pretty much a bad ass - he reminded me of Kurt Russell. I asked him one night if he had any insights being around death growing up.  He replied that he had learned two things: (1) he

I can see that, but what really sold me on the verisimilitude of Wonder Boys was the sequence where Douglas passes out and wakes up on the floor wondering WTF just happened - I unfortunately can relate to that

I can see that, but what really sold me on the verisimilitude of Wonder Boys was the sequence where Douglas passes out and wakes up on the floor wondering WTF just happened - I unfortunately can relate to that

Being Ghibli fans, they loved the movie.  The scroti flew by the 4 year old unnoticed, and elicited charmingly embarrassed snickers from my 11 year old son.

Being Ghibli fans, they loved the movie.  The scroti flew by the 4 year old unnoticed, and elicited charmingly embarrassed snickers from my 11 year old son.

'You're Robin Williams!'  I should have clued in when Wilfred mentioned that Ryan liked watching Matt Damon movies.  This show is deeply weird, and I love it so.

'You're Robin Williams!'  I should have clued in when Wilfred mentioned that Ryan liked watching Matt Damon movies.  This show is deeply weird, and I love it so.

I actually have Pom Poko in my home today from Netflix to watch with the kids.  (Yes I know about the elastic testicles) (EDIT: more precisely, elastic scrotums - scroti?)

I actually have Pom Poko in my home today from Netflix to watch with the kids.  (Yes I know about the elastic testicles) (EDIT: more precisely, elastic scrotums - scroti?)

When I saw this flick with my son (and enjoyed it), I couldn't stop thinking "Tom Brady of Mars"- more than a passing resemblance.