
Nah. I've recently converted to the Pixar fanbase (though I'm certainly not as evangelical as most) so Up should be cool. I'm holding out hope against hope that Drag Me To Hell will at least be good, with the director and title it has. And although I wasn't expecting it, Star Trek seems to be getting a whole lot of

As has been said, the robots beat each other up for 15 god damn minutes. And those fifteen god damn minutes are shot so hap hazardously that …

". It's based on a cartoon about robots from outerspace that turned into cars and jets. Is ther any way that's not going to be a silly movie based around explosions and loud noises?"

There was actually only one direct pop culture reference in that trailer that I could see. Nothing in the trailer made me laugh, but I could recognize the jokes made in the trailer as jokes for the most part, so I was really pleasantly surprised.

I tend to judge film snobs by how they react to Ebert. People just getting into film tend to connect him with some vague popular establishment and tear apart every review of his they disagree with (if I have to hear about him giving Garfield three stars again I will scream) in order to seem more sophisticated than

"fucking awesome 80's cheese"

Shit, I need to see this RIGHT NOW

Yeah, I'd put Jizz in My Pants as one of the lesser SNL song things.

He released Vaudeville Villain under the name Viktor Vaughn, and it's absolutely essential.

shitting into a box is art

It was insane when I found out how utterly, totally sexist Zappa was. Reading about him it becomes really scarily clear that he viewed woman as stupid objects to be discarded, it was a big part of who he was. But he really was a genius.

It's pretty damn hard to find over here, unfortunately. I scoured eBay for a bit until I found a good Sinn Sisamouth compilation, he's fantastic. I've managed to get a couple of general compilations (I'm a fan of Chan Chaya and Pan Ron especially) but the only thing that seems to be generally available is the "City of

I only have Roses in the Snow, but it's pretty great.

yeah, I noticed the Hank Williams thing too. He's the guy who finally turned me into a true country fan, rather than someone who hated country with a couple of exceptions, so I'm really interested in what Nathan has to say about him.

I really like Dengue Fever, and they helped lead me to some great 60's Cambodian Pop, so I'll probably check this out if it's about the band as well.

Should we Just Accept
That Every Person we cover is going to have two weeks of coverage at this point?

I really like 42nd Street, although it's not my favorite Berkeley, but I'd agree that a movie like Singin' In the Rain or Meet Me in St. Louie is probably more influential in the long run.

Aren't we talking about impact on film rather than culture? I'd agree that there is maybe a bit too much emphasis on older film.We don't need two Ford films, great as they are, switch out Stagecoach for Pulp Fiction IMO, and maybe switch in a Scorsese Taxi Driver or Mean Streets for It Happened One Night, but other

If you have HD, MGM channel is pretty good for good movies, but great schlock. They have blocks with just stuff like Revenge of The Zombies, Octoman and Troll 2 all in marvelous condition.

" That movie was the first to use parallel editing, pan shots and mise en scene that wasn't modeled after an audience watching a stage play."