So I Says To Mabel I Says

And what was the amount of time Beatrice Straight was on screen for network? Five minutes? How the hell does that happen?

Thia is also a good read: https://www.amazon.com/You-…
It covers a lot of era and touches on some movies I wouldn't necessarily categorize as Brat Movies but of actors that broke free of the label. Lots of good interviews.

It's a load of BS. She used a lot of her songs from her girly sound tapes which were made long before she came up with her alleged concept album.

While there is no question Julia Louis-Dreyfus is extremely talented, she now has atleast ten Emmys. She doesn't have to be considered every damn year. After winning for four consecutive years John Laroquette dropped out of consideration for his fellow actors. It would be nice if she could be classy and remove her

Wasn't there already a crappy tv show version of this?

That's a very good point. He made the men effeminate and also the lesbians characters were promiscuous. The jokes LaBute wrote were on the level of Three's Company. What this actually had to do with Taming of the Shrew is beyond me. At the very best it was a big misinterpretation of the text but honestly wouldn't be

I saw that production at Chicago Shakespeare and, oy vey, was it bad. It was not only sexist but used a lot of homophobic jokes. LaBute is just an all round misanthrope.

Frankly, I love Baby Britain. It is a nice fuck you that is put over such a cheerful melody. I love that huge contrast.

Actually they married in 1997 and met in the 1980's.

Yes these were so well written and incisive. Although I was surprised and a bit disappointed that this show was on the bottom three in regards to readership. I assume most people just don't know of it's existence. It's easily one of my favorite series. Thank you for doing these incredible reviews. I look forward to

When Romeo + Juliet came out I was 14 and so disappointed because it was obvious he was just pandering to teenagers. I was insulted by it. I didn't need 50 jump cuts in an action scene, especially in a movie that contains some of Shakespeare's most beautiful dialogue.The words are lost in the flashy execution. Plus,