
And now you know…the REST of the story.

I'm waiting to see his Players With Yourselves Club card.

Forbid her from watching it.

To me, he was too much of an asshole. Too mean, selfish and petty to be redeemed or even pitied. Just completely awful.

"Movies like Beautiful Thing and Get Real—in which awkward gay boys find true love with the hottest guy in school—are so improbable as to be almost insulting. "

I hate to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure those were stunt boobs.

Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law

I remember watching this, but it must have been a re-run because I was only eight when it came out and I can't imagine my parents letting me watch this at that age.

Have you considered the possibility that that scene was in the movie and there is a vast, shadowy conspiracy to make the world believe that it never existed?

Why would that be sadder?

I got the impression that Jasmine H. had no idea who Cyd Charisse was. She was probably wondering why Paula compared her to a guy.

It just says that she is living in Scotland, not that she comes from Scotland.

This attitude, "America used to be great. Americans used to be better than they are now" is the same in every era represented in these movies. So when exactly did we used to be great? The turn of the century? No, here's someone from then lamenting how bad we've gotten. The 90's? No, here's someone from the 90's

Was I the only one who was worried about the way he was whipping Mary's head around? She's not as young as she used to be.

"That’s not to say that it’s … a very good movie, in any traditional sense of the word.""the film peaks early""their greenness is painfully obvious""the duo is hapless … behind the camera""The effects … are … awful""only Jonah Hill seems to be doing more then leaning on his usual shtick—and the “character” he comes up

*post deleted by author*

I highly doubt that Sonya's decision to make them practice all night was spontaneous. They probably had it planned before the dancers even showed up in Vegas.