Joaq the Line

I remember seeing a making-of on TV shortly after the movie came out, and being shocked at learning that not only was Bob Hoskins English, but his accent was particularly strong.
His performance is so terrific in this movie, I'm not sure if he won any awards, but he's a huge part of the reason the effects work so

I'm surprised more people don't have Weird Al as their first album, when I actually began buying music for myself, my collection was just Weird Al and They Might Be Giants.

Sound of Science
Looks like Adam's kickin' the new ka-nowledge!

It's funny, if that line were coming from someone like Michael Scott or Liz Lemon, I would love it, because it's so nonsenically awful. I still kinda love it, anyway.
It also reminds of the review of Spinal Tap's album Shark Sandwich, which was just two words: Shit Sandwich.

The Klumps?
The Quickening?
On the Move?
The Legend of Curly's Gold?
The Wrath of Khan?
Armed and Fabulous!