"What about a moistened bit lobbing scimitars?"
"What about a moistened bit lobbing scimitars?"
"Fun fact: the the aging demographics have now gotten so bad in Japan that the market share for adult diapers now exceeds the market share of baby diapers."
Don't forget Dr. Demento
Well, you've ruined pork rinds for me.
"If you say that 2 more times, one of them will appear!"
Kind of depressing too.
They left out "Pizza Man" (National Lampoon parody)
Or right after.
"And remember-we're not at home to Mister Cockup."
Wasn't black pepper originally used to disguise the taste of bad food in the middle ages? Or Dark Ages, not sure which.
I want to boink that upper right corner dot.
Damn, I should have read further down before posting. Good comment!
A shower made out of solid gold? Marvelous!
"Am I savage af yet?"
Question: What does Reese eat her breakfast cereal with?
Kicks are for Trids.
Also-my dictionary can beat up your dictionary.
Language is continually developing and evolving. Otherwise, we'd still be saying things like "gadzooks" and "Odds my bodkins."