Are they introducing the explosive diarrhea plotline?
Are they introducing the explosive diarrhea plotline?
Paula Deen's son? And here I thought that family couldn't sink any lower.
It must not be very private, then.
The last time someone recommended an IPA to me, it turns out that they were just drinking a bottle of liquid soap.
Seeing the smaller version on the main page and reading the name Ken, I honestly thought that was Ken Jeong at first.
In spite of taking place in "1980-something" Pops being 80 years old and being born in 1903 would put this episode in 1983 (notably three years before the release of Top Gun). I suppose Erica might have just meant he was around 80, but if she knows his exact birth year, it seems like she would say his exact age. …
Theory: Lily never actually existed an she is actually Mitchel's hallucination\alternate personality.
"Would you two like to swich positions?"
"Apparently I'm not supposed to talk about that."
6: the entire female cast gets naked and has massive orgy. Entire male audience goes to their bunk forever.
To be fair, me being grossed out by the idea of Cam and Mitchel having sex has nothing to do with them being gay.
I'm actually surprised by the low grade. I think this is one of the best episodes in quite a while. And I'm not just saying that because they induced the image of someone unhooking Alex's bra. (as of you weren't thinking it)
Christmas, Again II: Technically the Third Time
Welcome to the Jungle Mozart
You're gonna diiiiiiiiiiieeeeee, at a tragically young age
Did you know that the original title to War and Peace was War, What is it Good For?
But that would hardly be fair. Ed did very specifically request no funny business.
To be fair, his assessment of Peggy was pretty much dead on. To use some technical terminology, that bitch be cray-cray.
And if you say it out loud. I think it's still ok to just write/read it.
Which constantly plays songs by Supertramp?
Well, you can always check the website (which unfortunately no longer features Condor Cam Guy):