
I read that last part as "SVU scene", which is actually a pretty accurate description.

I wish all directors could be more liike Miike

Cajun style!

When I saw that picture with that title, I assumed they were talking about Aliens: As fun as doing your taxes

It was the result of a merger between MEtv and YOUtv.

Thank you for this. I sometimes will refer to an overly elaborate dinner as a feast at Trimalchio's and no one knows what the hell I'm talking about.

If that last point was meant to imply that we haven't already been jacking it to Hayley Orrantia, then you, sir, are sadly mistaken.

Maybe he's just imagining himself outside of his body. Man, this is reaching some Mr Robot levels of confusing.

Well that'll teach me not to scroll down slightly.

And I didn't even know that Don King got raped.

Between the schmaltzy music cues and the sensitive absurdity, I feel like I was watching an episode of Scrubs.

Sorry Brick, but you're clearly clean-cut 60's Rod Serling, and not shaggy-hair sideburns wearing 70's Rod Serling.

As I recall, the New York Zodiac saw himself as a rival to the CA Zodiac, insisting that he was the real Zodiac.

so . . . Jimmy Fallon?

He prefers to do the entering, as I recall.

Did you see the SVU where she was supposed to be some prodigy Criminal Profiler? Her acting was so terrible, she pretty much single-handedly ruined that episode.

Seeing ads for this show just makes me miss Suburgatory

I would think "it was all a dream" would be a much lazier cheat.

Bottom line: unless a character is shown to be definitively dead, assume they're still alive.

And he can only do wrong in every other sense.