
With a more competent legal team, I wonder how successful that suit against Best Buy would have been. It does seem like they were in violation of their policy.

Damn, I need to get up on that Retail Dating site.

Well, he is the Wizard of Lonliness

Any publicity is good publicity. Hell, Brian Wolfe got his own show out it.

All you have to do is get a stick and prop its mouth open.

Hopefully you're not in a relationship right now so you can fully dedicate your time to this show.

My wife Elanor.

Did you see at the end where Matt put out his hand for a handshake and Trebek walked right past him. That's cold, Jay.

It probably would have been confusing if the Middle's Risky Business aired along side the Goldbergs' Risky Business episode.

So wait, what was Brad's big secret? Is he smoking again?

Which he followed up with his assumption that Oprah Winfrey played the title role.

I suppose you're bound to run into this when you have one of two guy's doing all the voices, but David's voice was way too similar to Kyle's, leading me to a lot of confusion when I wasn't looking at the screen.

I don't know if America is ready to take that much non-white in one sitting.

Hey, it's actress, dancer, and acne medicine enthusiast Zendaya!

Be careful. Bill Murray ran into a lot of problems with that kind of thinking.

Das ist nicht eine boobie!

We already have the tagline:
Race: It can be two things

You were probably one of those weirdos that got all their homework done on Friday night so you could enjoy the entire weekend, instead of pulling something out of your ass at the last possible second like a normal person.

Uh-oh, did they do a gay panic joke? Someone light the Rabin signal!