You seem to presume that in his alternate timeline there would be a) a United States of America, b) a city called Washington, and c) a Lincoln memorial.
You seem to presume that in his alternate timeline there would be a) a United States of America, b) a city called Washington, and c) a Lincoln memorial.
Let me see if I understand where you're coming from, for my own edification:
First Manimal, now this? Thanks for NUTHIN', NBCocks.
I think it was part of the joke* to have the Silly String be all spurty and impotent.
Something something something fish sex.
Kenny: I think you meant white-BREAD. Unless you mean children born of caucasian parents who enjoy TV shows about southern lawyers. Ha.
Eh. I've seen better usernames.
>I'm a pretty staunch SNL defender
Why does Coldplay's stage set look like three dreamcatchers sitting in the middle of a late 80's teen dance club? Or am I the only one thinking that?
Can't "The Heart, She Holler" be *both* a worthwhile programming experiment from Adult Swim AND just too weird for words?
I watched a behind the scenes clip on the firearms used on "Hell On Wheels"; the armorer commented that some actors needed more help learning to use guns than others, over footage of Common.
April's moon crown was the highlight of my week. Granted, it's been a shitty week.
True story: I was almost kicked out of model UN for Kruscheving with my combat boot. To be fair, I was trying to get everyone's attention to let them know that the pizza party was starting, do it was REALLY important.
I'm too old for this shit.
WOW, is the commenting system being a dick this morning. Posts the comment without me clicking "post", then doesn't let me edit the fucked post.